Liberty Evangelical Free Church


Who We Are

Brian Martin - Senior Pastor

Brian Martin assumed pastoral leadership in July 2013. He is married to Dayna, and together they have six children. Prior to serving as our Senior Pastor, Brian pastored in an associate role for 12 years at a church in Vancouver, WA.


Garrett Weight - Associate Pastor of Family Ministries

M.A. Theological Studies - Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Garrett and his wife Shelby joined Liberty in August of 2019. They are raising two young boys with a third child on the way. Garrett grew up in upstate New York and Shelby in Northern California. Before coming to Liberty they served at Winnetka Bible Church in Winnetka IL.

Angie Lisenbee - Worship Arts Director & Office Manager

Angie has been leading worship for 15 years and served on worship teams for many years before that. She is passionate about music and loves to use her gifts for the Lord and the body of Christ. She is married to Travis Lisenbee, who leads the audio/visual team, and together they have three grown children.